April 8th, 2007

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So that page is done. Instead of going to the meeting with Director Hauser and the others in the ICI building, I’m using the news format as a crutch again. Oh, well. It’s giving me a much better way to introduce the individual characters. In fact, I’m intruducing characters that I hadn’t even made up until just then. Example: the news crawl at the bottom of the panels were to be a quick news story that took place between my character Passion Tanaka and… well… panels 2 and 3 kinda tell you who it was supposed to be. Then I started thinking, “Crap, could I get sued or something” and decided to change her name. Then just on the name I came up with a new character. Looks like Passion just got herself a new arch-enemy. Really, I think it’s all a symptom of the fact that I’m having too much fun with the news channel comic format. It’ll be hard to break away from it in chapter one, but that’s life. If only I didn’t suck as a writer.

Sadly, there won’t be a new page next week. I need to spend a week fixing up the Nutroll section of the website. I thought I’d have time during this update, but the rewrites killed all the time I’d spent on that and I had to move at ramming speed to come up with the new beginning. But there’ll be updates and modifications to the character profiles, links section and the new gallery section. Other random stuff will appear if I have the time. Until then, enjoy page 1… or not. The choice is yours!

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