I just got done with the photos that my friends took at Screaming TikiCon and sent me and I’m ready to do a proper convention post now. Unless noted, these photos were taken by a friend of mine who prefers to stay mysterious. We saw the Batcopter on the way to the Expo Center. I […]
Filed under: Comics by PrimeOp
Tags: Art Redemption List, aw yeah titans, G.I.JOE, minifig, screaming tikicon
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Screaming TikiCon was officially a blast. I’ll have posts with more stuff later. This con wasn’t about buying cool stuff as much as it was about meeting cool people and I did that. Having said that, here’s most of what I got: Lethal Showdown sketchbook vol 1 autographed and sketched in by the man known […]
Filed under: Comics by PrimeOp
Tags: aw yeah titans, screaming tikicon
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The Screaming Tikicon happens in my neck of the woods so I’ll be there Saturday along with some good friends. If you see a guy that looks like this… …that’s me. Yeah. Self-photo taken in the medicine cabinet mirror. I’ll have my “Folder of Scribblings” with me that has copies of color art seen on […]
Filed under: Art, Comics, Entertainment by PrimeOp
Tags: screaming tikicon
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Bully and John’s blog, Comics Oughta Be Fun, is usually filled with laughs, win and (naturally) fun. Unfortunately, there’s some serious business going on and this needs to be passed along. (from this post) Overheard at San Diego Comic-Con while I was having lunch on the balcony of the Convention Center on Sunday July 27: […]
Filed under: Comics, Real Life Disease by PrimeOp
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Just a heads-up for any poor soul out there that’s bored enough to read this blog: Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow. Hit up your local comic shop to get free comics. If it’s a good store and the people working in it treat you like you’re worth a damn, buy some books to reward […]
Filed under: Comics by PrimeOp
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It’s done. That “Nutroll: the Illness” teaser page I’ve been yakking about for-damn-near-ever is finally done. The weather reports have been filled with computer-frying thunderstorms for most of this week, so I’m glad that the necessary stuff is done now before Raiden or Thor bring the wrath. It’ll be uploaded to Illmosis on Sunday and […]
Filed under: Comics, Nutroll by PrimeOp
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Random, butt-kicking real life developments have slowed my posting to a slow crawl. Instead of my usual “BAW! Things are crazay right now!” routine, I’ll keep it simple: things ARE crazy. How crazy? Yes. It’s like that and please believe it. As always, I apologize for not making my usual rounds to bring you my […]
Filed under: Comics, My characters, Nutroll, Twofold by PrimeOp
Tags: aw yeah titans
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IGN has a news story about Marvel and EA ending their relationship of making fighting games together. It didn’t matter if Marvel Nemesis was in 3-D or even if they managed to break space-time and make the game 4-D, most people weren’t interested in a so-called Marvel fighting game where Captain America and Dr. Doom […]
Filed under: Comics, Video Games by PrimeOp
Tags: ea, fighting games, marvel capcom, marvel vs capcom
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Random news things that I’ve run across: The Black Church and the Hollowing Out of Black Politics by BAR Managing Editor Bruce Dixon A good article, even if it’s disturbing and sad. It’s sad to see that some of Black pastors and politicians are using the same crooked, divisive moves that were used against those […]
Filed under: Comics, Video Games, Wrestling by PrimeOp
Tags: Bionic Commando
What this haul lacks in quantity is made up for in quality. Groo 25th Anniversary special: I never had a chance to read much Groo since most of my early comics came from the local Lawson’s convenience stores. But there has never been a Groo story that failed to make me laugh and this special […]
Filed under: Comic Review, Comics by PrimeOp
Tags: groo gumby
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