So this is the last weekend update for Nutroll Month 2007. While I didn’t accomplish as much as I wanted to finish, I was more productive this month than I’ve been for all the other months of this year combined. The main point was having a goal to concentrate on while shaking off more of […]

Part one in a series of characters made in MK:Armageddon’s fun features called Kreate-A-Fighters (or Kreate-a-Kombatants as I keep accidentally calling it). I’ll eventually make this a feature on my ScrollBoss game site. Here’s Tyris Flare from Sega’s classic Golden Axe game. She’s easy to make since, well, she’s just about nekkid. That’ll keep the […]

There’s a lot of excuses reasons why there was no Nutroll comic this weekend. The main reason was a “situation” that started on Monday, rolled on into Tuesday and hit the fan Wednesday. It wasn’t just the fact that I had to stop working on the art to try and keep things from coming to […]

It’s one thing to not get things done due to my own crazy. Eight times out of ten, I can find a way to work through it and get things done. On the other hand, I have a hard time trying to accomplish anything while dealing with O.P.D. What’s that? It means anything from Other […]

Hung out with good friends this Saturday as a break from working on the book. We watched the 80’s video DVD that I bought (that one deserves it’s own post) then the “Masters of the Universe: best of seasons 1 and 2′ or whatever it’s called (and THAT deserves it’s own post). There was much […]

That Nutroll: Chronic Incubation pic is now in the main site gallery, the Nutroll gallery and in Wallpaper form. I took the S-File character profile thing from my ScrollBoss site, streamlined it for Illmosis, and kicked it off with new profiles for Nutroll and Dr. Sakimoto. More characters will get the new character profiles after […]

This is a better version of something that I drew for the Nutroll Comic. Just improved all around with much cleaner line work. Out of all the stuff that I’ve drawn for the comic, this pic easily rolled out of the pencil. Really, I’m not sure what that says about me. The fact that what’s […]

So that page is done. Instead of going to the meeting with Director Hauser and the others in the ICI building, I’m using the news format as a crutch again. Oh, well. It’s giving me a much better way to introduce the individual characters. In fact, I’m intruducing characters that I hadn’t even made up […]

First of all, thanks to anybody who checked out “the Illness” teaser. Different people have noticed different things about it and it’s good to see that certain elements have been figured out by a few people. I hope that the stuff in Chapter One will nudge people into looking at the teaser again to see […]

It’s finally done. Well, done enough. “Nutroll: the Illness” was a rush job because I decided that this was the year that I’d do something cool with Nutroll on April 1st. the bad part is that I decided it only two weeks before it was due. I still didn’t have a story that felt like […]