Ten favorite things I worked on in 2009 (in no order except for the last one):
ScrollBoss spending December celebrating how insanely magical 1989 was for video games. The December 27th update was my favorite despite the ridiculous amount of sleep I lost working on it. I’ve never kicked out so many sprites from scratch at once and the Death Adder sprite is probably the best pixel art I’ve done yet. The updates may have looked big but no one would believe all the unfinished stuff there is for this including sprites, articles and even a theme song. I’ll save some of that for the 25th Anniversary of 1989 if I’m still working on the site by then.
Twofold month on Illmosis with a preview of the Twofold #1, Twofold’s sprite. and new logo
The Halloween update on ScrollBoss with Castlevania:SOTN sprite edits and a Alucard sprite from scratch, the Altered Beast werewolf and Rick from Splatterhouse. Plus, that Morrigan sprite edit turned out better than I thought it would.
A nice chunk of the Art Redemption List got some justice this year by drawing much better versions of things that I did a horrible job on the first time.
Art that turned out to not be crap:
The Vs. Maker Graphic Generator. It’s an experiment that has taken on a life of it’s own. It’s always fun to see people come up with team-ups and fights that I never would have thought of. Those custom mini-logos are fun to make, too.
The restart of Nutroll: the Illness that mainly got stopped (again) by the malfunctioning computer I was using. I almost literally flipped out due to all the computer freezes while trying to color the first page. Page One will be fixed before I get back to work on it in early 2010.
My favorite thing of the year is the reaction to this picture. This was just one of those crazy things that pops into my head a lot and figured it just needed to be drawn. I’d like to thank everyone who took time out to say how much they liked it because you made my 2009 a lot better than it would’ve been otherwise. As Brawn once said, “Mushy, but true.”
Alright, it’s time for me to get back to work on stuff for 2010. I’ll be working on a comic page tonight and I’ll have some announcements to make here in the coming weeks.
It’s 4:30 AM here, I can’t come up with a better title than that and I don’t care.
It was added in latest Illmosis update and it has it’s own gallery page. The ridiculous thing is that I had to set up the lighting to make it look more 2-D just so it would look right when I knocked it down to 256 colors for the site logos.
Last Friday was the fifth anniversary of my Illmosis art site. When I made the move from Tripod to Dreamhost, I wanted to name the site something other than the “Prime Op” I’d been using for it out of laziness. I was going to call it Prime Central Station and used that name for the message board before I actually moved. Then I decided not to use that because I thought people were going to get it confused with some other site name that I can’t even remember now. So I started going through all the goofy, random names I had in my head that I kept for situations like this. One of those words was “Illmost” which came from liking DMC’s line “I’m known to the world as Chilly Most” and just from me being ill. That mutated to Illmosis, the one damn word out of dozens that no one had smooshed together and used yet. I still have the version of the old Illmost logo before I changed it to Illmosis. I’d show it but even I don’t give enough of a crap to dig it up and post it. Illmosis started looking just like the old Prime Op site with a few modifications here and there but the third anniversary update brought in the current look with the techno-random background and chunky block logo.
I was too wiped out from the Halloween ScrollBoss updateto start working on something big for the 5th Anniversary so I decided to dedicate the whole month to working on the site itself and to my own characters. The character profiles will go through small upgrades during the month and I’ll be adding more of my characters to it. I just finished programming the new profile gallery feature that will have artwork and sketches that aren’t in the main art galleries. There will be a lot of really old stuff on there that shows what these characters evolved from. This link has a preview of a page with the old filecards I made for my characters from about 1990 to 1992. My artwork was pure eye-horror back then but I still like to look them since this was a bit after my art teacher, the great Mr. Emil Perunko, got me into coloring my artwork. Don’t worry, there will be new and newly colored artwork, too. Before the month is over, I’ll finally be able to show you the rest of this:
Yeah, it’s going to be another busy month.
Because everything in the Illmosis update was related to the ScrollBoss update I was cooking up, I updated ScrollBoss on Sunday so everything could hit at once.
The biggest thing for me was finally making a Twofold sprite that didn’t look like complete crap. That’s not a sprite made from a pre-existing sprite but was made from scratch. Instead of just posting it to Illmosis, I added Twofold to the Vs. Maker generator. I just added a few other things like new logos for the other characters you see in the screenshot. Yes, Balrog’s logo is supposed to look a bit familiar.
Final Fight: Poison vs. Billy
There’s a new ScrollBoss:Minus World section article on how some female characters were replaced with males in some 16-bit video games. The article is called Sidbillies for reasons that get explained early on. For the record, I didn’t even notice the “wardrobe detail” in the last character mentioned until I looking at the screenshots I took for the article. Everything right before that “ellipses” crap I pulled was what I originally had before I saw… well, you’ll see it. It was also pure luck that it turned out to be all about a ninja character.
I also put up a preview of the new Vs. Mode that I’m still working on. I used the old characters (but mostly new sprite edits) of characters from the “2002 Superninjas” tournament. It was an old series of polls in which the choice with the lowest vote got removed. The version that I plan to have ready in 2010 will be like no other poll you’ve wasted your time on just because you didn’t vote for Link, Squall or Master Chief.
And that’s what I’ve been up to. Sorry for all these posts about my sites but I’m not doing much of anything else right now Sad, isn’t it?
After everything I did to try and do something special for 9/9/09 for my ninja character, Twofold, I was too tired to really tell anyone after it was all finished and uploaded. I didn’t even get around to making a post here. The main thing was a preview version of the upcoming “Twofold #1” page 2. Yes, page 2. Why? Because this was almost page one. I kept flip-flopping back and forth over whether or not I should start with this or have a page that almost explains why there’s a ninja battle going on in the woods. Forcing myself to get a preview page done on the 9th was a way of forcing myself to “s*** or get off the pot” with this story that I’ve been messing with for about three years. The good thing is that I finally came up with a done-in-one story that will give you nearly all the info you need for liking Twofold and Master Hsu. Master Hsu, along with supporting character Dr. Wu, appear on page 1 which leads into him semi-narrating the page through smack talk with his captors. Another reason the page you see now is a prototype is because some of that dialogue will be on pages 1 and 3 in the final version. Other new thangs added to the Twofold section include an early version of the new and improved Twofold logo. I scanned it in and made a quick mouse-vectored and CG’ed version of it right after finishing the comic when I should’ve been sleeping. It’s been added to the Twofold pages but a better one will done at a later date. I did a quick profile pic of Amy Mao from the Five Eyes school but didn’t have time to start coloring it yet. Finally, I added the first full-sized (11 x 17 inches) color comic pic I drew of Twofold and a sketch page that has Twofold, Passion Tanaka, characters from the Five Eyes school and some characters outside of the Twofold book like Nutroll.
I’ve been working on bits of ScrollBoss and there will be an update either this week or next week. One of those things may be a preview of the new Vs. Mode section. I had to put a modified poll script together along with data scripts for displaying info about the fights whether or not they’re still active. I can finish enough to get the “after the battle” section working to recreate the ending of the 2002 Superninja tournament that Final Fight’s Guy won back in 2002. There are some crazy RPG-style elements I need to finish for the new version so it’ll be a while before I can start the fights again. No one really reads this blog so I don’t have to rush like people are looking forward to this.
Some of my Saturday was spent getting a few more things set up on my computer only to discover that the new version of Image-Line’s site instantly recognized my old registration for FL Studio. Being able to save music files again means that I can get back to work on the background music for various projects. I’m no Hoyt Curtin or Johnny Douglas but it’s nice to have that program music program working for me again.
The Brothers Brick posted a link to a New York Times news story that talks about how Lego got itself back into shape after nearly collapsing in the middle of this decade. There are some interesting bits in there but the main gist is that the licensed Lego themes and games helped to save the company, even if people don’t want to admit that.
I’m glad that they’re back in full effect since I was a Lego maniac back when I was a young’un. Some of my own comic characters like Longway came straight from customizing my own characters out of Lego minifigs.
BTW: Lego, if you’re looking to make more money, you may want to think about bringing those Batman sets back. There still seems to be enough demand to let people charge over $30 for some minifigs.
Mir. Jiggyfly, I have good news:
Thanks to a ton of help from a friend of mine, the NewNew Computer is finished and running. NewNew Computer is filled with magic and joy and awesomes. Everything works better and moves faster without any freezes, stutters, greasy buildup or burning sensations. My brain is still telling me, “Hurry up and do this before the computer freezes! Hurry! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!” because that’s the kind of panic-slathered fun I’ve had with the NewOld Computer. But NewOld is old news and NewNew is new news. While it’s too late to make the ScrollBoss 9th Anniversary the big to-do that I wanted it to be, it’s really early for the 10th anniversary and it’s just in time for what’s about to start September 9th. What’s that? You’ll see next month.
I hope not.
I was going through parts of this blog as I fix some things with the template and I decided to check out the older ScrollBoss Anniversary posts. It wasn’t until I looked at the 8th ScrollBoss Anniversary post that I remembered how plans for a big update were brutally murdered by computer problems much like they were this year. Thanks to a good friend of mine who helped me out by getting a bunch of the bigger parts of it, I’ll have yet another new system some time this month. Thanks to a sale at Newegg.com, I was able to buy a new hard drive that has more space than all my old hard drives put together but was cheaper than any of them (not counting the 20 GB drive that came with my 1st computer). Hopefully the whole shebang will be put together next week. Sorry for not being as productive as I used to be and I hope that upgrading from “the NewOld computer” to the “NewNew” computer will let me annoy you with more of my lame creations than every before.
Just in case you haven’t seen someone post this already, here’s the other G.I. JOE movie, but this one is from Funny or Die.com:
Some thoughts:
1.) The part with Scarlett had me thinking, “Is that who I think it is?” Before I could fully recover, the casting choice for Duke broke my brain because that was a mad genius move.
2.) I feel sorry for Zartan, Tomax, Xamot and Dr. Mindbender now. Seriously. That ain’t right.
3.) Damn, Olivia Wilde. Damn.
4.) The part at the end. If you show it to people, don’t tell them that he’s in it.