January 31st, 2007 will forever be the known as the day that the Mooninites tried to take away our beautiful, wonderful freedoms. Boston devices a cartoon marketing ploy FNC dedicates an entire hour to it On Slashdot Then, the authorities kick it up a notch: Arrest Made In Boston’s Hoax Device Incident I hope whoever […]

First, thanks to everyone from various places that stopped to say a kind word after what happened last week. We’re putting together a mini-shrine for Grandpa and I’ll take a picture of it once we get more done with it. I think one of the suspects of slowing down my drawing was my old, small […]

If you’re on the board, you may have seen a post about this, but I forgot to post about it here and on my sites. My grandfather, Roosevelt, passed away from cancer this Monday morning. Our family took care of him during the times that he wasn’t in professional care and it’s one of the […]

The Playahata Awards 2006 edition brings the acclaim and shame like Huey and Caesar did back in the Boondocks comic strip. It gives love where it’s due and hits below the belt when it’s more than deserved. Between Playahata.com and Davey D’s sites, my faith in Hip-Hop survives. To tell the truth, I want that […]

Repulsor Ray Bill Posts: 114 User-Level: Enforcer PME-Mail RE: New controversial comic book Posted: January 18, 2007 7:39 PM I really tried to like this book because it’s one of the main books that got me into reading comics. I mean, I like the talent they have on the book and the roster is okay… […]

We finally have snow in this neck of Ohio for the first time of this winter. So what. Big deal. I don’t enjoy snow or the snow vibe that it brings with it. Back in the days of m’yooth, it’d be snow fort time! Snowball fight time! “Take wintery G.I.JOE and Cobra figures out in […]

I was typing out a longer post, but YouTube crashed Firefox and, well, that was the end of that. Luckily, I have an extension that saves tabs in case of crashes. The post is lost, but I’ll still post the video:

Things that I got this week: Raw vs. Smackdown 2006 – That’s right, 2006. The old one. It was on sale at Wal-Mart for $10, so I stopped resisting. In a rare bit of good timing, I passed it up over a week ago when it was $19. It takes a bit of getting used […]

I’ve decided to restart this blog with the purpose of making it less boring. The first try bored me as I was doing it and I’m sure that it bored anyone that read it. More than anything, I’m going to write this in “my voice” without regard for how crazy it sounds. The mission of […]