My original plan was to talk about how it feels like a lot of non-essential things (not comics and toys, because they’re okay right now) seem like heading towards critical bland. The internet is full of people complaining in uninteresting ways and that would’ve been about as bland as what I was complaining about. So […]

By now, you’ve probably heard the bad news from the entertainment world. First, the world lost the hilarious and hard-working Bernie Mac. I’ve been a fan of his since I first saw him on Def Comedy Jam and it’s always a treat to see him pop up in a movie. His self-hating cop is probably […]

So on this day that celebrates the struggles of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, I can’t help but to think about something my mother said to me last year after the demonstrations to get the Jena Six a fair trial caused more threats. When my mother was growing up, Black folks couldn’t sit in the […]

This post is for any friends that are on social networking sites. Not that anyone reads this blog, BUT STILL. I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine that I know from the shadowy world of MUGEN. No, not the part that makes random-ass fight videos and 10 minute presentations of their character […]

Because it just was. For me, it was somewhat balanced. I gave my site the redesign kick in the crapflaps it’s needed for damn-near-ever but now I’m dealing with small annoying bugs. I started a comic and almost immediately got stuck on it when I came up with better ideas for it. Drawing and computer […]