Ten favorite things I worked on in 2009 (in no order except for the last one): ScrollBoss spending December celebrating how insanely magical 1989 was for video games. The December 27th update was my favorite despite the ridiculous amount of sleep I lost working on it. I’ve never kicked out so many sprites from scratch […]

It’s 4:30 AM here, I can’t come up with a better title than that and I don’t care. It was added in latest Illmosis update and it has it’s own gallery page. The ridiculous thing is that I had to set up the lighting to make it look more 2-D just so it would look […]

Last Friday was the fifth anniversary of my Illmosis art site. When I made the move from Tripod to Dreamhost, I wanted to name the site something other than the “Prime Op” I’d been using for it out of laziness. I was going to call it Prime Central Station and used that name for the […]

Because everything in the Illmosis update was related to the ScrollBoss update I was cooking up, I updated ScrollBoss on Sunday so everything could hit at once. The biggest thing for me was finally making a Twofold sprite that didn’t look like complete crap. That’s not a sprite made from a pre-existing sprite but was […]

After everything I did to try and do something special for 9/9/09 for my ninja character, Twofold, I was too tired to really tell anyone after it was all finished and uploaded. I didn’t even get around to making a post here. The main thing was a preview version of the upcoming “Twofold #1” page […]

I had to disable my graphics card because it started to run hotter than ever and kept making my system freeze up even more than usual. Due to this, almost everything in Windows XP happens in slow-motion. There is a soul-stabbing lag when scrolling Firefox pages, moving files in Explorer and, the worst part of […]

After a solid month of wearing myself out on artwork, day job work, a painful walk to the post office that made my skeleton ache and a 2-day sickness that made all of that even worse, I’m staying in this weekend. I can’t make it to Free Comic Book Day at the local comic shop […]

ScrollBoss: Now that I’m not scrambling to slap updates together every two weeks while also trying to make content for Illmosis, I’ve been able to finish some long overdue work. The worst part was finally renaming and reformatting the last batch of sprites, over 100 files, from the old naming format. Before 2005 or so, […]

I may have a proper post later in the week, but I just want to kick out a quick note to those who check this thing to know what I’m working on at the moment. Now that I’m past whatever weird sinus troubles I had for about a week, I’m getting enough sleep to have […]

A few weeks ago, my old HP computer started freaking out and wouldn’t even make it to Safe Mode. I kept trying to fix it in DOS but it eventually stopped working at all. Someone hooked me up with another computer so I’m back on the internet. This machine blows my old one away but […]