After everything I did to try and do something special for 9/9/09 for my ninja character, Twofold, I was too tired to really tell anyone after it was all finished and uploaded. I didn’t even get around to making a post here. The main thing was a preview version of the upcoming “Twofold #1” page […]

The Most Beautifullest Things In This World pt. 1: The beatings will now begin. Those who visited the now-defunct Bad(ass) Movies channel on Mogulus may have seen something that is close to the hearts of many 30-something Kung-Fu flick junkies. That’d be this: That is the intro to Kung-Fu Theater. When I was a young’un […]

Random, butt-kicking real life developments have slowed my posting to a slow crawl. Instead of my usual “BAW! Things are crazay right now!” routine, I’ll keep it simple: things ARE crazy. How crazy? Yes. It’s like that and please believe it. As always, I apologize for not making my usual rounds to bring you my […]

Whether you’re an average jill, a common joe, gift procrastinator extraordinaire, 5-star holiday cookiesmith, Cindy Lou Who, Wong Who, a snot-nosed punk what don’t deserve nothin’ due to being a snot-nosed punk all year, or a fictional character who is pouting for being drawn in a goofy Santa costume, may all you party people have […]

So I’m using to proofread that last entry and Dr. Sakimoto catches an error that suggests Sakamoto. So I immediately panic and think that I’d been another stupid round eye making with the messed-up Japanese names. Her name was supposed to be a reference to something I’m not going to spoil but anyone with […]