Just in case you haven’t seen someone post this already, here’s the other G.I. JOE movie, but this one is from Funny or Die.com: The Ballad of G.I. Joe from Olivia Wilde Some thoughts: 1.) The part with Scarlett had me thinking, “Is that who I think it is?” Before I could fully recover, the […]

Hurry kids! It’s almost time!

The Most Beautifullest Things In This World pt. 1: The beatings will now begin. Those who visited the now-defunct Bad(ass) Movies channel on Mogulus may have seen something that is close to the hearts of many 30-something Kung-Fu flick junkies. That’d be this: That is the intro to Kung-Fu Theater. When I was a young’un […]

First of all, here’s that Harley Quinn in color. Ain’t she cute? People still seem to like it now that it’s in color so I guess I didn’t screw it up. Some like the shine effects on the fabric, but I tried to avoid making it look like she’s wearing a catsuit made of Heinz […]

So this Friday night I channel-surfed smack dab into AMC’s Fear Friday. I decided to watch the flick because it had the late, great Calvin Lockhart, the original Biggie Smalls from Let’s Do It Again and the cool elder Rasta in Predator 2. This flick turns out to be The Beast Must Die which also […]

(note: this was a review that I wrote a bit after the Shaw Bros./Dragon Dynasty DVDs hit and I’m too damned lazy to go in a change anything) So I got the Dragon Dynasty release of One-Armed Swordsman by the Shaw Brothers Studios a little while ago and said I’d ramble about it later. I’ll […]

This week’s haul is A LOT bigger than normal because a lot of it was bought a week earlier but arrived this week. It also made up for last week since I spent the weekend in the house trying to recover from a week of dramatic jackassery. Since I was too lazy to take any […]

I saw Pirates of the Carribean 3 today and liked it. That “musical” in the beginning? Fun for the entire family! What a way to start the feel-good motion picture of the year! Seriously, it was full of crazy, crabs, the shocking return of a key character, and Pym Particles. Speaking of Pym Particles, I […]