Everything on my body, including my eyebrows, still aches from moving. Instead of the usual back and leg problems, my hands caught the most hell thanks to the speed-shovelling technique I used to get vehicles free from the snow and ice. My hands don’t just ache but they snap, crackle and pop enough to fool […]

Remember that book cover that I drew and colored a lil’ while back? It’s out! Memoirs of a Virtual Caveman is a book by Rob “Dire 51” Strangman, the creator of some great video game-based sites including the mighty OPCFG, the West Mansion Splatterhouse shrine and the Ghoul Realm that pays tribute to Capcom’s G […]

Not that I even bothered to post right before the moving took place, but the move is all over. The night that the plumbing next door decided to freeze-plode was also when Mother Nature decided that snow should be shat upon the ground. The weather forecast for the entire week of the move went like […]

While away at work last night, the pipes in the empty apt. next door exploded because no one left the heat on low or something like that. That apartment flooded and the water seeped into this apartment enough to put about an inch of water in the living room. Soooooo, gotta move even faster. Catch […]

I’m getting ready to move somewhere else so I won’t be too active on the ‘net for about a week and I probably won’t be on at all right after the move since it always takes a while to get internet access re-hook-i-fied up. Illmosis and ScrollBoss will be on hold until I get back. […]

Today is my mother’s birthday. My self-appointed mission on her birthday is to shorten the list of movies and music that she’s always wanted bit-by-bit each year. Some were easy to find like The Sentinel, a horror flick that she loved but hadn’t seen since 198-something. The hardest to track down was a CD of […]