To hell with long explanations. Here’s the 1040EZ why no one on the internet has heard much from me lately:
Work: Started working a third cleaning account two weeks ago but I’ll be back down to two next week unless more sudden news pops up.
Hands: Right hand still has a clickly middle finger and is at 90% and the left hovers between 50% and 80%. Good enough to draw without pain. Progress slowed down by working three accounts instead of two.
Ear vs. Steak Knife: The steak knife is gone for now but I still have some throat pain and a buzzy headache. Progress slowed down by working three accounts instead of two.
Legs & Spine: Not really getting better since having to move during the crappiest week this winter. All these aches may worse thanks to the Ear vs. Steak Knife virus/allergies/whatever-the-butt-it-is. I spent part of last weekend walking with a cane but was still faster than most people walking through Wal-Mart. Progress slowed down by working three accounts instead of two.
Illmosis site comic design: Most this week’s free time went into writing a comic script/template/page design for the site that works like my galleries do. You can see a poot-butt preview version of it by clicking that link. For now, it only needs to be just good enough for the upcoming Nutroll:the Illness including redrawn panels. Guess what? Progress slowed down by working three accounts instead of two and aching hands that hurt when typing.
Sorry for not being around on the internet too much lately. I’ll try to post some good news, fun stuff and reviews once I get the chance.
had to post just ’cause i wanted to type nutroll to prove I’m a person and not a spam script.
I keep forgetting about all the weird words that I used for the post filter.
Get better soon, Wray!