Mir. Jiggyfly, I have good news:

Thanks to a ton of help from a friend of mine, the NewNew Computer is finished and running. NewNew Computer is filled with magic and joy and awesomes. Everything works better and moves faster without any freezes, stutters, greasy buildup or burning sensations. My brain is still telling me, “Hurry up and do this before the computer freezes! Hurry! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!” because that’s the kind of panic-slathered fun I’ve had with the NewOld Computer. But NewOld is old news and NewNew is new news. While it’s too late to make the ScrollBoss 9th Anniversary the big to-do that I wanted it to be, it’s really early for the 10th anniversary and it’s just in time for what’s about to start September 9th. What’s that? You’ll see next month.