Because everything in the Illmosis update was related to the ScrollBoss update I was cooking up, I updated ScrollBoss on Sunday so everything could hit at once. The biggest thing for me was finally making a Twofold sprite that didn’t look like complete crap. That’s not a sprite made from a pre-existing sprite but was […]
Filed under: Illmosis, My characters, ScrollBoss by PrimeOp
Tags: ninja, Twofold, Vs Maker, Vs. Mode
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After everything I did to try and do something special for 9/9/09 for my ninja character, Twofold, I was too tired to really tell anyone after it was all finished and uploaded. I didn’t even get around to making a post here. The main thing was a preview version of the upcoming “Twofold #1” page […]
Filed under: Illmosis, My characters, Nutroll, ScrollBoss, Twofold by PrimeOp
Tags: FL Studio, Nutroll, Passion Tanaka, Twofold, Vs. Mode
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The Brothers Brick posted a link to a New York Times news story that talks about how Lego got itself back into shape after nearly collapsing in the middle of this decade. There are some interesting bits in there but the main gist is that the licensed Lego themes and games helped to save the […]
Filed under: Lego, Toys by PrimeOp
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