First of all, I’m going to hold off on “Everything is Everything” until I’m less busy. I’ve already started scanning comics and taking photos for it, so it’s definitely coming. Despite claiming not to be a daily blog, it’s been daily for over a week now while ScrollBoss has been neglected. As I work on […]

Didn’t hit the comic shop last week, so I did so this one. 52 (weeks 42 and 42) – Damn, Sir Chomps-a-lot. Green Lantern – while I think everyone knew where that character was headed, I dug the issue. Pages 2 and 3 were a hoot, though. Anyone who thought that the series was going […]

It’s a bit creepy how much some of the press releases from Cartoon Network sound more like solicitations in Previews. Lets take a look thanks to Ben-10: Hero Generation This new series will focus on a slightly older Ben and Gwen as they team up and mentor a group of children who have similar […]

Repulsor Ray Bill Posts: 114 User-Level: Enforcer PME-Mail RE: New controversial comic book Posted: January 18, 2007 7:39 PM I really tried to like this book because it’s one of the main books that got me into reading comics. I mean, I like the talent they have on the book and the roster is okay… […]

Things that I got this week: Raw vs. Smackdown 2006 – That’s right, 2006. The old one. It was on sale at Wal-Mart for $10, so I stopped resisting. In a rare bit of good timing, I passed it up over a week ago when it was $19. It takes a bit of getting used […]