Back on Christmas day I was groovin’ off my Christmas playlist which, by a law that I made up, must always start with This Christmas by Donny Hathaway. Shake a hand, shake a hand, y’all. Other joints include Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC, What Child is this by Vanessa Williams (not just for her […]

IGN has a news story about Marvel and EA ending their relationship of making fighting games together. It didn’t matter if Marvel Nemesis was in 3-D or even if they managed to break space-time and make the game 4-D, most people weren’t interested in a so-called Marvel fighting game where Captain America and Dr. Doom […]

Someone asked if I could post a merged version of that Truetorial posts I made while working on the Wendy Milan pic. I decided to do it because it’s a good idea and it gives me a chance to improve it a bit. I call it a ‘truetorial’ because it’s a tutorial that includes all […]

I was just griping about social networking sites earlier this month and now I have to add to the ban list. I got a “You’ve been tagged!” e-mail in their name from someone who had my e-mail addy in their address book. Instead of going to the site, I started looking up what others […]

The 1st anniversary of this here joint passed by on January 12 but I was too busy to even notice it. Even now I can’t really put together a celebratory post because… eh, I’ll talk about that later. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Beans vs. Cornbread! With any luck, year two will be made of less fail […]

So on this day that celebrates the struggles of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, I can’t help but to think about something my mother said to me last year after the demonstrations to get the Jena Six a fair trial caused more threats. When my mother was growing up, Black folks couldn’t sit in the […]

Random news things that I’ve run across: The Black Church and the Hollowing Out of Black Politics by BAR Managing Editor Bruce Dixon A good article, even if it’s disturbing and sad. It’s sad to see that some of Black pastors and politicians are using the same crooked, divisive moves that were used against those […]

Here’s a quick post of random things I’m up to at the moment: 1.) ‘That thing’ that I was working on but only mentioning in a vague manner like Peter Potamus is now done. Click the pic over there to get all the info and I’ll have a post all about this later on in […]

This post is for any friends that are on social networking sites. Not that anyone reads this blog, BUT STILL. I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine that I know from the shadowy world of MUGEN. No, not the part that makes random-ass fight videos and 10 minute presentations of their character […]

Because it just was. For me, it was somewhat balanced. I gave my site the redesign kick in the crapflaps it’s needed for damn-near-ever but now I’m dealing with small annoying bugs. I started a comic and almost immediately got stuck on it when I came up with better ideas for it. Drawing and computer […]