I just got done with the photos that my friends took at Screaming TikiCon and sent me and I’m ready to do a proper convention post now. Unless noted, these photos were taken by a friend of mine who prefers to stay mysterious. We saw the Batcopter on the way to the Expo Center. I […]

Screaming TikiCon was officially a blast. I’ll have posts with more stuff later. This con wasn’t about buying cool stuff as much as it was about meeting cool people and I did that. Having said that, here’s most of what I got: Lethal Showdown sketchbook vol 1 autographed and sketched in by the man known […]

Random, butt-kicking real life developments have slowed my posting to a slow crawl. Instead of my usual “BAW! Things are crazay right now!” routine, I’ll keep it simple: things ARE crazy. How crazy? Yes. It’s like that and please believe it. As always, I apologize for not making my usual rounds to bring you my […]